Monday 26 October 2015

Qualities of the searching heart

Qualities of the searching heart 

Matthew 22 vv 34-38 - "which is the greatest commandment?"
A rabbinical story - the rabbi said to his students " can you tell when the long night is over and the dawn has come? Various suggestions about shadows becoming shapes but the answer was - "When the dawn has come when you see a man and a woman coming down the road from the distance and you recognise them as your sister and your brother."

5 qualities for this morning - a non judgemental heart, a reflective and prayerful heart, a humble heart, a today heart, a loving heart. 

Non judgemental heart - " we rarely if ever see another person as they really are, we see them as we are."
Judge not and you will not be judged. If we ever knew the full story of another person's life, we would find everybody lovable.
Pope Francis speaks often on mercy - he calls himself "a sinner on whom God has looked with mercy."
Gossiping can kill, because it kills a person's reputation (Pope Francis)
If I hear something to a person's credit, I should pass it freely. If I hear something to someone's discredit, I should bury it, so I am the weak link in the gossip chain.

A prayerful heart - to be aware of God's presence in everyday life.
To walk in this world in the presence of God with the familiarity of someone walking the streets of their home town.
The disciples in the boat after the resurrection - it was John who with the eyes of love first said "it is the Lord!"
Ronald Knox - " the person who has learned the practice of the presence of God in daily life has discovered more than the happiness of heaven, he has discovered peace on earth." 

A humble heart - realism, recognising ourselves for what we are. No good comes from thinking we're lousy, but humility is keeping feet on the ground and never seeing ourselves as better than others. It is a gift, we can't make ourselves humble but we can be open to the gift. Good deeds by stealth!
A real concern for the poor - compassion is the first cousin of humility.
Opening paragraph of Gaudium et Spes.

A "today" heart - God's name is "I am" , not "I was" or "I will be"
Embracing the present with passion - live for today. 

A loving heart for others. Sr Elisabeth of the Trinity - " I raise my eyes to gaze upon God and then lower them to look upon you, exposing you to the rays of God's love"

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